New Zealand Paper Produce Bag’s

Gratpak launches their NZ Made Produce Paper Bag. The first of its kind ever to be manufactured in New Zealand.

Since February 2023, Gratpak has supplied customers with the locally made Produce bags “a brown Kraft satchel paper bag with side gusset”.

General Manager Sandeep Puri says that although the larger supermarket chains have chosen to work with overseas companies who import all their produce bags into New Zealand from Asia, he believes Gratpak can supply a more sustainable product, made in our own back yard at a competitive price to these companies, not only helping them reduce their carbon footprint but also creating a sustainable supply chain, supporting local business and creating more jobs for Kiwi’s.

Currently 90% of paper bags used in New Zealand are imported.

As per EcoTrans World Report Energy Consumption & Green House gases (GHG) in accordance with EN 16258.

  • To ship paper bags in a 20ft Container from Suzhou – Shanghai to Auckland the energy consumption is 22,207 (WTW) Megajoules.
  • To ship paper bags in a 20ft Container from Taupo to Auckland the energy consumption is 273 (WTW) Megajoules.
  • By using Gratpak companies would save per 20ft Container 21,973 (WTW) Megajoules

Gratpak hasn’t only impacted the local economy by creating more jobs but we are definitely helping reduce the carbon footprint by sourcing local raw materials and manufacturing locally.

grocery paper bags
paper bag for supermarkets
paper bags for vegetables
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